'E' Company 15th Battalion, Rifle Range Camp, Enoggera 10th Feb. '40
Darling Nancy, I received your loving letter Thursday, and confess that in reading it, you certainly made me feel home-sick. Of course 'home' & you mean the same place. I am glad to hear the worst is over regarding your toothache, and it would have been less hurtful for me too, to have held your hand, Sweetheart. May seems to be having a bad time lately, and I think Jeff is a little upset about it, I hope she will soon be well.
I certainly have had a stroke of luck - I have been promoted to corporal. There has been quite a lot of discontent over the number promoted. We expected to
see at least 75% vacancies for the 180 men, but it amounted to about 6%, myself getting the only cpls promotion in our company. It hurt not seeing Jeff or Ralph amongst us, but they are almost sure to hear somthing later.
The worst part of it is that I had to be ransferred to the new 'E' coy. All of the chaps are F.J. As & we are in poky tents. When we stretch out our beds they (5) cover all the ground. It's going to be hard seeing Jeff or the boys ast all now, except when he is on battalion parade, in silence. I here he is a mess orderly next week so he can't get home either. Don't forget to write to my new company, as there are a few more Hoopers in the other parts. There are twelve men in my squad, so I'll be a bit uphill training so many.
I have decided to save as much
money as I can, from now on, as that was my reason for getting to be promoted. One can do & say so much more with a full purse.
Next week-end I shall be 'Corporal of the Guard' again and naturally can not get leave, but I may be able to see you one night next week. If I can, I'll give you a ring, & if leave doesn't come soon I'll be crazy.
Today is now Sunday, and the whole brigade went to church parade this morning. I suppose the photos will be in Monday's paper & it will give you some idea of the numbers here. It must seem strange at home without Jeff & I annoying you.
There are twelve men in my squad, and I have to be helping them both on and off parade. Really I started on this letter Friday, and haven't had longer than fifteen minutes off duty at a
time. You're asleep before 5.30 a.m. & the lights have to be out at 10 P.M. We have been given last minute leave for this afternoon, but I'll stay in camp.
I hope you enjoyed yourself at Olive's place over teh week-end. Gordon Xmas poked his hand in front of me yesterday & I had to shake hands but I didn't stop to talk. There are quite a lot here I know, chap from Cleveland, Trevor too, and a lot of Manly boys.
Well I can't think of anything else to write about, so I hope to hear you are better again, sweetheart, & wishing you all my love & devotion,
Your ever loving fiance, (well almost) Alan VV [corporals insignia] P.S. tons of love & kisses xxxx X xxxxxx X xxxxx X
X Bride Street Wynnum Cent, 12.3.40
My Most Precious Alan, My dearest dear and hearts delight, don't be displeased with what I write, for what I write is sincere, that I'm in love with you my dear. I am also in love with the nicest photo I have seen darling. It is the living image of you, and every time I look at it I like it better. By the way, I will have it worn out through looking at it I have looked at it a couple of dozen times, and have shown it to everybody I have come in contact with. The small ones are done very well also honey.
I completed the back of your cardigan to-day, so I will get a move on now darling, and see how soon I can get it finished.
Muriel is down to-night and she wants one of us to go up and sleep with her. Luckily I got out of it. I dont feel a bit like going out.
I went to the pictures with Jean last night. It was a lovely programme. We saw "Climbing High" and "Trail Dust". I didn't enjoy it half as much as I would have with you. It was just the type of picture you would have loved. We got drenched coming home.