lights were kept under cover, leaving the decks in inky blackness. Then like a possum I used to grope my way on to the foc's'le and spend hours in dreaming of you. I used to wish I had you arm in arm beside me, then,honey , to make life perfect. Looking over the rail you can marvel at the display of phosphorous glittering in the wash, leaving a glowing trail miles behind. During the day flying fish glided past us, dropping in the sea every 30 yards or more. They are the prettiest fish I have yet seen. They are about 12" [inches] long, with transparent wings, and colored a prettier blue than the Pacific itself. On the 6th day we rose early, and as we watched the dawn lightening, the towering mountains of Papua broke the horizon. The highest Mt Victoria 13,000 ft, rose its summit above the clouds, being 8 times higher than Beechmont(?). As I've passed within the reef , that serves as a breakwater, the combers gave way to calm water which led into a fiord (harbour) in which lays Port Moresby. As we docked, coal-black Papuans, wearing sarongs of every color, stood chattering in groups giving us the once-over, while others appeared in native canoes beside the pier.
The water is so clear it puts Amity [North Stradbroke Island] to shame, and
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Hi Bruce, just let the narrative flow, and continue until a new paragraph is required. Great job thank you.
This is from your Advanced Markup Page:
"Single-page display: When users read a single page on FromThePage, viewing a page image next to the transcript, we try to preserve any line-breaks in the text, so that the transcript lines up clearly with the manuscript image."
Doesn't that mean what I have been doing. (see page 17 of Alan and Nancy Hooper)?