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to race off & rob a bee's hive, till we reminded them that there are no bees on the island. We saw a dog belonging to a nigger that looked like a working meccano set in a sausage skin. Animals die from consumption before they have finished growing & the natives contract it from eating the wild pigs. Betel-Nut chewing is a filthy practice here, still. They chew the red pulp till their mouths & teeth are dity red, eventually sending them racing mad. One old man spat out some & gave it too [sic] his baby boy. A small minority at the mission have stopped the habit, and as a result own beautifully white teeth. Mine are whiter than ever from eating cocoanuts, & am very careful after taking our quinine issues. (twice a week.)

Friday night:
Darling, your heartening letter has just arrived, and have already read it three times. Gee! I felt relieved, as I was getting worried over you, my sweet. I hope your sore throat doesn't
turn into measles. As for myself, my health has never been sounder. Please don't worry about my getting fever, Nancy, for our camp & hard incessant work keeps us fit. At Connie debo [Konedobu] the men do no work & drink beer. Every day, someone from there, fall innocent victims, though few die. I realise only too greatly, my responsibilites & obligations to you, dear one, to expose myself to danger. I have the tiniest scratch disinfected
& always use my 'nets'. You must have looked funny running from the bull when you were down at Olive's. Frankly, I wasn't surprised at Trevor's heroism. If he had any guts he`d be on service here with his soldiers. It would do him the world

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"quinine" - a medication used to treat Malaria & babesiosis.