of yourself. I haven't any that do you justice you know. I want to make some of our 'glamour boys' envious.
I am surprised at Len Liscombe, but love does strange things. It's a wonder he didn't marry her before he became a father.
Tell Jeff I will write next week. There has been far too much work given us & and am glad to get to bed early. I wasn't entitled to efficiency pay because I didn't do continuous training. The money would have been very handy. The exhorbitent prices up here makes it hard to save as much as I would like. Soap at 6' a cake, biscuits 1/- a pkt, and soft drinks 1/-. Besides this I have had to buy shorts, towels, and togs lately. An average working man's wage is £8 per week. 90% of officials get more than £10 to £15.
When I read your letter my blood tingles especially when you say you long to be cuddled. Unless we can see our way clear of getting married as soon as we get home, I couldn't carry our that resolution either. I feel starved of love & couldn't restrain myself. Would you be offended if I sent you a few pages of Shelly's Brides Confession? It was given me by a chap at Konedobu. It's too beautiful to be naughty, love. Here one line:- "and warm liquid love flowed into his bride." If we don't leave here by the new-year I'll cry my heart
out. I feel I want to take you to heaven with lovely thrills & lay my head where I used to. Then I'll be contented love.
[page 8 of an incomplete letter]
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