anchor. Five plugs of dynamite attached to a detonator and fuse was then lit & thrown overboard. It sank leaving a thin spiral of smoke rising from the water - then a muffled explosion made the surface boil and rise. I stopped and dived in to collect the floating fish, the others soon felt envious so followed suit - Turkey, Butch Dunn - Alan
Donaldson - When the surface had been cleared we began diving 15ft to the coral bottom. There is no thrill as wonderful. Each looked so graceful - like real mermaids beautiful vari-coloured fish blended with the coral bottom, the water looked tempting enough to drink and clear as crystal. Two more charges and we left for the mission. The dinner was laid out as for a banquet - so different to what we are used to. These S.W.A's are strictly vegetarian, and food with them is a science. Allowing to for our food to settle, we revisited Bootless Inlet; Gee it revived memories.
Off the rotting wharf we began fishing once more. This time, however, thirty odd native boys joined in the party. The first charge all but wrecked the wharf & success came.
300 odd fish floated up from the 15ft bottom. 15 minutes passed in the revell when the water began boiling - shark fins appeared only ten yeards from where I was swimming.
The natives showed only contempt for the 'vultures' &
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