strangely enough so did Mr Gray & I. The 303 was being fired & it partly succeeded in frightening the brutes away. Later on we were joined by another of our chaps. Mr McKell
stood on the wharf-he had the wind up. Gosh he came in when I told him not to be afraid because there were too many sharks for a croc to appear. With 500 odd fish we "called it a day". At the salt pan on our way home, we began a sports programme. Mr McKell and I picked sides for cricket. Young Karo was on my side & and is the most amazing native. He is 18 - looks only 10 - champion diver and runner, cricketer, yet is only 4' 6 high. He and I were not out when the time limit was up. The other side won by a few runs. Then came relay racing - I outran my native rival. Leapfrog races were amusing. Just imagine playing this with native boys. Oh, they're fun. It's a credit to the mission for them to be so clean and healthy. Teatime over, we gathered around the pianola & sang till 9 o'clock. I was asked to sing by the way. It was a thoroughly tired lot that said Ba Mahuta - tired but wonderfully happy. We had gone barely four miles when the engine began to splutter and backfire. Finally it stopped altogether. Until 11pm we tried in vain to restart the
flivver - anyway light rain had fallen & and the road was unusable. With a rifle and pack over my shoulder I led the way home.
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