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Unfortunately I was wearing only light shoes – brand new too, and soon were blisters on my heels. Then I tried walking in socks. In two hours we had walked nine miles to the Rouna Road, and without a spell. My socks had worn through and I had now a painful stone bruise on my foot. Owen Reynolds kept me company – All of us had strung out over a few miles by now. Turkey cracked up and lagged behind, alone. We waited for him halfway. Poor Turkey was staggering – And almost delirious. He swore he'd seen niggers chasing him, and had seen lights. All but four of us dropped down, exhausted, and went to sleep on the road. We four, completed the 20 odd miles in 5 1/2 hours. The others came
home two hours later. (Only two whites lived along the entire jouney – 3 miles from camp.) In all the days trip lasted 25 hours. All attempts to wake me at Reville failed. The doctor voted us a day in bed; also massages every four hours. That was real agony. I had been detailed for duty at 3 pmm. so I didn't get my day off after all. This morning I found I had broken a toe on the trip & it is all I can do to hobble around.

Saturday – Well, Nance I've gotten over my stiffness now. I had an examination from the doctor today and it seemed I have been working too hard – still he doesn't consider it serious if I look after myself.

Your letter made me so very happy, sweetheart. You're a

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