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real peach to accept my proposal. Sure, we'd both be honoured by May's & Rita's offer as bridesmaids. The whole idea thrills me, pet. Of course everything will be dependent on circumstances – our homecoming & prospects for the future, for instance. I sincerely hope that nothing will stand in our way (I also think that, 'Where there's will, there's a way'). It will probably take me a few months to get used to civilisation again. I fear I'll be terribly shy. Enclosed is the remainder of that lovely poem. It will be quite a guide and
inspiration to us for our honeymoon, pet. Please don't carry it with you – someone may find it, and the penalty for having it is great. I'm glad you liked it as much as I, honey.
Jeff told me that May would like a black kimino when I was coming home. Well, I bought it today – it's really beautiful and has exquisite Chinese embroidery worked on it. The postage duty is as much as 100% so I'll be bringing it home when I come. I bargained till I was allowed 16% discount. If there's anything you'd especially like in embroidery, I'll try to get it for you too. You ask why J.P. is so disliked. Personally, he never caused me any trouble. The Cleveland chaps hate him for reasons I haven't bothered to find out.

I'm ashamed to find you've begun chicken stealing in my absence. Tell junior I am a jealous fiancé , and give him a fair warning. I don't savvy this fisherman friend of Stan's. Surely you are

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