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not so conceited as to think he has made that offer for only your benefit I thought you were wise to even married men by this. Please, Nance, don't court any of his doubtful favors. I've been in the army long enough to know the ways of even respectable married men.

The Major drove Maxy & I to town, Thursday night, to train the local rifle club. Subsequently I joined up & was appointed coach. Things got a little difficult when two
young women joined the class. The major was more bashful than myself.

All good things come to an end – and so must my love-letter. I have now, something to look forward to – a beautiful young June bride. Honey, it sounds heavenly I remember you now, just as I left you - stunning & sweet. It shall be my one solace, 'till we meet again,

Your loving fiancé,

[sketch of two palm trees bottom left corner]

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