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49th Battn Details,
Murray Barracks,
Port Moresby,

19th Dec '40.

My Darling Nancy,

I hoped never to be writing you so close to Xmas — How much more exciting a greeting were if home in your arms, pet. Comfort yourself with the fact that I am well, but horribly homesick. (I could be in far worse a place, after all.)

I can imagine how eager you all feel over your holidays at Noosa & I'm really envious. I'll bet your Dad's getting his fishing gear together these nights, and you your
summerplay suits. (you haven't told me about any of your new ones).

Thanks, ever so much for the gifts, honey — you'll be making me quite an aristocrat with such finery. Everyone admires the style & I look right handsome in it too. Xmas didn't hold any sentiment with me a week ago, but now I feel differently. Mum sent me the nicest Xmas Cake & pudding & can hardly wait to try them. The major has promised each of us a bottle of ale & roast turkey - but no leave.

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