32/5358 - 19 July 1832
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To His Excellency
Major General Bourke
Governor of New South Wales
etc. etc. etc.
The Humble Petition of Dennis McHugh a Prisoner of the Crown for Life.
Respectfully Sheweth,
That in the month of September 1828 Your Petitioner was tried by a Bench of Magistrates at Sydney for having in his possession a One Pound Bank of Australia Note and by them sentenced to be sent to a Penal Settlement for a period of three Years.
That in pursuance of this sentence your Petitioner was removed on Board the Phoenix Hulk where he remained for a period of eleven weeks
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until removed ashore in consequence of an order issued by the Supreme Court.
That Your Petitioner the day after being discharged from the Hulk, was confined by order of His Excellency General Darling, in a cell in Hyde Park Barracks, where he was kept for six days, and then sent on board the Ship City of Edinburgh bound for this Settlement.
That Your Excellency will thus perceive Your Petitioner has been sent to this settlement without any Colonial Sentence against him, where he has served a period of upwards of Three Years. (his sentence from the Magistrates) without any complaint being against him -
That Your Petitioner Humbly implores Your Excellency will be graciously pleased to take his case into your humane consideration, and remove him from this Settlement, where he already has served so long a term.
And as Your Petitioner as in Duty Bound Will Ever Pray -
Dennis Mc.Hugh
To His Excellency Major General Bourke
Governor of New South Wales etc.
the Petition of Dennis McHugh
[Diagonal Note] Dennis McHugh Providence – Life Sent to Moreton Bay in the ordinary service of the Crown 9 January 1829. Found this morning by me in the papers respg. Fra. McNamara's property, received from Gov House.
Papers in his case enclosed.