[top LH corner] 32/469-16 January 1832
[top RH corner] 39
Attorney Generals Office
13th January 1832
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
letter of the 13th Ultimo respecting the operation of the Act
of Parliament 17th George 2nd Ch 5. for the punishment of
idle and disorderly persons rogues and vagabonds etc to
this Colony.
In reply I have the honor to State for the informa-
tion of His Excellency that on looking over the various
vagrant Acts of the English Legislature, I find that by
an act passed in the 5th George 4th Cha. 83. all the previous
Acts of parliament, and amongst others, the Act of 17th Geo.
2nd. have been repealed, and further provisions made for the
suppression of vagrancy, and that I could not therefore extend
the provisions if the above Act as required to this Colony –
I have however framed the Draft of a Bill for the suppression
of Vagrancy in this Colony according to the provisions of the
Act of 5th. George the 4th Ch 83, And have the honor herewith
to transmit the same for His Excellencys Approbation.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient servant
John Kinshela
To The Honble
Alexander McLeay
Colonial Secretary
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