By His Excellency Major General Richard
Bourke Captain General and Governor in Chief of
the Territory of New South Wales and its Dependencies
and Vice Admiral of the same with the advice of the
Legislative Council.
Draft [crossed out] Bill for the punishment of idle and disorderly persons
Rogues and Vagabonds incorrigible Rogues and other vagrants.
Whereas the number of rogues and vagabonds
beggars and other idle and disorderly
persons hath of late greatly increased
and it hath become expedient to make a
Law for the prevention and punishment
thereof. Be it therefore enacted by etc with etc- that every
person being able wholly or in part to maintain
himself or herself or his or her family by
work or other means and wilfully refusing
or neglecting so to do by which refusal or
neglect he or she or any of his or her family
shall be left without support and without the
means of maintaining himself herself or
themselves respectively, every petty Chapman
or pedlar wandering abroad and trading
without being duly licensed or otherwise
authorised by Law every common prostitute
wandering in the streets or public Highways
[margin comment]
I do not think any
part of this 1st clause
applies to this Colony.
The Prostitutes are
mostly prisoners of
the Crown and dealt
with accordingly.
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