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in any place of public resort and behaving
in a riotous or indecent manner and every
person wandering abroad or placing himself or
herself in any public place street highway
court or passage to beg or gather alms or causing
or procuring or encouraging and child or children
so to do shall be deemed an idle and dis-
orderly person within the intent and meaning
of this Act and it shall be lawful for any
Justice of the Peace to commit such offender
being thereof convicted before him by his own
crew or by the confession of such offender or by
the Evidence on Oath of one or more credible
witness or witnesses to His Majestys nearest
Gaol as the house of correction there to be
kept to hard labour for any time not ex-
ceeding One Calendar month.

And be it further Enacted that every
person committing any of the Offences herein
before mentioned after having been convicted
as an idle and disorderly person, every person
pretending or professing to tell fortunes or using
any subtle craft means or device by pal-
mistry or otherwise to deceive and impose on
any of his Majestys subjects, every person
wandering abroad and lodging in any barn
or bathouse or in any deserted on unoccupied
building or in the Open Air or in any cart

[margin comment on the last four lines above]

There may be some such
cases as this amongst
free people.

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