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or Waggon not having any visible means of
subsistence and not giving a good account
of himself or herself every person wilfully
exposing to view in any street road highway
or public place any obscene print picture
or other indecent exhibition every person wilfully
openly lewdly and obscenely exposing his
person in any street road or public highway
or in the view thereof or in any place of
public resort with intent to insult any female
every person wandering abroad and endeavouring
by the exposure of wounds or deformities to
obtain or gather alms, every person going
about as a collector or gatherer of alms or
endeavouring to procure charitable contributions
of any nature or kind under any false or
fraudulent pretence, every person running
away and leaving his wife or his or her
child or children without support and without
the means of maintaining herself or any of
themselves respectively, every person playing
or betting in any street road highway or
other open and public place at or with any
Table or instrument of gaming at any
game or pretended game of chance, every
person having in his or her custody or pos-
session any picklock key, crow, jack, bit,
or other implement with intent feloniously

[notes in margin:]
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