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to break into any Dwelling house warehouse
coachhouse stable or outbuilding or being
armed with any Gun pistol hanger Cutlass
bludgeon or other offensive weapon or having
upon him or her any instrument with
intent to commit any felonious Act, every
person being found in or upon any Dwelling
house Warehouse Coachhouse stable or out
house or in any inclosed Yard Garden or Area
for any unlawful purpose, every suspected
person or reputed thief frequenting any river
canal or navigable stream dock or basin
on any quarry wharf or warehouse near
or adjoining thereto or any street highway
or avenue leading thereto or any place of
public resort or any avenue leading thereto
or any street highway or place adjacent
with intent to commit felony and every per-
son apprehended (as an idle and disorderly) [underlined] per-
son [underlined] and violently resisting any Constable or
other police officer so apprehending him or
her and being subsequently convicted of the
Offence for which he or she shall have been
so apprehended shall be deemed a rogue
and vagabond within the true intent and
meaning of this Act. And it shall be lawful
for any Justice of the Peace to commit such
Offender /being there convicted before him

[notes in margin]
Does this apply in such
a degree as to render
a law necessary? The
multiplication of penal
statues shd be carefully

This refers to the first
clause of this act which
I do not consider applies
to the circumstances of
the Colony.

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