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by the confession of such Offender or by the
evidence on Oath of one or more credible
witness or witnesses / to his Majestys nearest
Gaol in the said Colony as the house of Cor-
rection there to be kept to hard labour for
any time not exceeding these Calendar months
and every such picklock key, Crow, Jack,
bit and other implement and every such
gun, pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon or
other offensive weapon and every such instru-
ment as aforesaid shall by the conviction of
the Offender become forfeited to the Kings

And be it further Enacted that every
person breaking and escaping out of any
place of legal confinement before the expi-
ration of the term for which he or she shall
have been committed or ordered to be confined
by virtue of this Act, every person committing
any Offence against this Act, which shall
subject him or her to be dealt with as a
rogue, and vagabond, such person having
been at some former time adjudged so to be,
and duly convicted thereof, and every person
apprehended as a rogue and vagabond, and
violently resisting any Constable or other
police officer so apprehending him or her,
and being subsequently convicted of the

[notes in the margin]

These offences may
be punished by the
Common Law & Statute.

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