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offence for which he or she shall have been so appre-
handed shall be deemed an incorrigible rogue
within the true intent and meaning of this
Act. And it shall be lawful for any Justice
of the Peace to commit such offender / being
thereof convicted before him by the confession of
such Offender or by the evidence on Oath of
one or more credible witness or witnesses to
His Majestys nearest Gaol, as the house of
correction, there to remain until the next
Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held in the
district wherein or nearest to where the said
offence shall be committed, and every such
offender, who shall be so committed to Gaol as
aforesaid shall be there kept to hard labour
during the period of his or her imprisonment.

4 And be it further Enacted that it
shall be lawful for any person whatsoever
to apprehend any person who shall be found
offending against this Act and forthwith to
take and convey him or her before some
justice of the peace to be dealt with in
such manner as is hereinbefore directed or
to deliver him or her to any Constable or
other peace Officer of the place where he or
she shall have been apprehended to be so
taken and conveyed as aforesaid. And in Case

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