Car, caravan or other vehicle or goods in
the possession or use of such person and to
take and convey the same as well as such
person before some Justice of the peace and for
every Justice of the peace by whom any person
shall be adjudged to be an idle and disor-
derly person or a rogue and a vagabond or an
incorrigible rogue to order that such Offender
shall be searched and that his or her
trunks, boxes, bundles, parcels or packages
shall be inspected in the presence of the said
Justice and of him or her and also that any
Cart Car Caravan or other vehicle which may
have been found in his or her possession or use
shall be searched in his or her presence.
And it shall be lawful for the said Justice
to order that any money which may be then
found with or upon such offender shall be
paid for and towards the expense of apprehend-
ing and Conveying to the house of Correction
and maintaining such Offender during
the term for which he or she shall have
been committed and if upon such search
money sufficient for the purposes aforesaid
shall not be found it shall be lawful for
such justice to order that a part or if
necessary the whole of such other effects then
found shall be sold and that the produce
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