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of such sale shall be paid and applied as
aforesaid and also that the overplus of such
money or effects after deducting the charges
of such sale shall be returned to such Offender.

7 And be it further Enacted that when any
Justice as aforesaid shall commit any such
incorrigible rogue to any of His Majestys Gaols
as a house of correction there to remain till
the next Quarter sessions or when any such
idle and disorderly person rogue and vagabond
or incorrigible rogue shall give notice of his
or her intention to Appeal against the conviction
of him or her and shall enter into recognizances
as hereinafter directed to prosecute such Appeal such
Justice shall require the person by whom
such Offender shall be apprehended and the
person or persons whose evidence shall appear
to him to be material to prove the offence
and to support such conviction to become
bound in recognizance to His Majesty his
heirs and successors to appear at the said
Quarter Sessions to give evidence against
such Offender touching such Offence. And
in Case any such person or persons as
aforesaid shall refuse to enter into such
recognizance it shall be lawful for such
Justice to commit such person or persons
to refusing to the Common Gaol there to

[notes in margin]
Machinery for
executing the preceding

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The law is coming for those Rogues and Vagabonds.


@Les ...and incorrigible rogues! Not safe to leave the house.


@saintlk and in a lot of cases the police were worse than the Rogues.