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remain until he she or they shall enter
into such recognizance or shall be otherwise
discharged by due course of Law.

And be it further enacted that when any
incorrigible rogue shall have been committed
to any of His Majestys Gaols as a House of
Correction there to remain until the next Quarter
sessions it shall be lawful for the justices of
the peace there assembled to examine into the
circumstances of the Case And in order if they
think fit that such offender be further impri-
soned therein and be kept to hard labour for
any time not exceeding one year from the
making such order and to order further if
they think fit that such Offender (not being
a female) be punished by whipping at such
time during his imprisonment and at such
place as according to the nature of the
Offence they in their discretion shall deem
to be expedient.

And be it further Enacted that in
Case any constable or other peace Officer
shall neglect his duty in any thing required
of him by this Act or in case any person shall
disturb or hinder any Constable or other peace
Officer in the Execution of this Act or shall be
aiding abetting or assisting therein And shall

same as seven

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