[TR] 51
thereof be convicted upon the Oath of One or
more credible witness or Witnesses before one
or more Justice or Justices of the peace where
such offence shall be committed every such
Offender shall for every such offence forfeit
any such sum not exceeding five pounds as
the said Justice or Justices shall in his or the
discretion award And in Case such offender
shall neglect or refuse forthwith to pay such
sum so forfeited it shall be lawful to and for
such Justice or Justices to commit the person
so offending to His Majestys Gaol as the
house of Correction there to be kept for any
time not exceeding three Calendar months
or until such fine be paid.
And be it further Enacted that all
necessary expenses usually allowed to Pro-
secutors and witnesses attending on the part
of the prosecution of Offenders before the
Quarter Sessions of the peace shall on the
prosecution of any Offenders under this Act
(such Offender or Offenders being convicted on
on the hearing and determining any Appeal)
such Appeal being for any Cause dismissed
or the judgment of the Justice or justices
out of sessions against whose determination
such Appeal shall have been made being
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