affirmed) be allowed and paid to the prosecutors
and Witnesses attending such General Quarter
sessions on any trial, hearing, or appeal
which shall or may come before and be heard
and determined by such General Quarter
And be it further enacted that it
shall be lawful for any Justice of the peace
upon information on both before him made
that any person hereinbefore described to be an
idle and disorderly person or a rogue and
vagabond or an incorrigible rogue is, or is
reasonably suspected to be harboured or concealed
in any house kept or purporting to be kept for
the reception lodging or entertainment of Travellers
by warrant under his hand and Seal to authorise
any Constable or other person or persons to enter
at any time into such house and to Apprehend
and bring before him or any other Justice of the
peace every such idle and disorderly person
rogue and vagabond and incorrigible Rogue
as shall be found therein to be dealt with
in the manner hereinbefore directed .
And be it further enacted that any
person aggrieved by any Act or determination of
any Justice a justices of the peace out of
sessions in or concerning the execution be
this Act may Appeal to the next General
[right margin]
This is one of the best
clauses in the Act that
depends in great measure
upon the 1st 2nd and 3rd by which
the descriptions of Idle[underlined]
and disorderly person.[underlined]
and Rogue & Vagabond[underlined]
end Incorrigible Rogue[underlined]
and Vagabond, are
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