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Quarter Sessions which shall be held
for the district or place wherein or nearest
to where such offence shall have been com-
mitted giving to the Justice or Justices of
peace whose Act or determination shall be
appealed against notice in writing of such
Appeal and of the ground thereof within seven
days after such Act or determination and
before the next General Quarter Sessions and
entering within such seven days into a recog-
nizance with sufficient securities before a
Justice of the peace for the district or place
in which such person shall have been convicted
personally to appear and prosecute such Appeals
and upon such Notice being given and such
recognizance being entered into such Justice
is hereby empowered to discharge such
person out of custody And the Court of such
General Quarter Sessions shall hear and
determine the matter of such Appeal and
shall make such Order thereon as shall _
to the said Court seem meet And in Case of
the dismissal of the Appeal or the Affirmance
of the conviction shall issue the necessary
process for the Apprehension and punishment
of the Offender according to the conviction.

And be it further enacted that no
proceeding to be had before any Justice or

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