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justices of the Peace under the provisions
If this Act shall be quashed for want of form
and every conviction of any offender as an
idle or disorderly person or as a rogue and
vagabond or as an incorrigible rogue under
this Act shall be in the form or to the effect
following or as near thereto as circumstances
will permit that is to say

to wit} Be it remembered that on
the_______ day of_______
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and_________at________
in the Colony of New South Wales A.B._________
a convicted before me____________one of
His Majestys Justices of the peace in and for
the said Colony of being an idle and disorderly
person (or a Rogue and a Vagabond, or an
incorrigible Rogue) within the intent and
meaning of the Act in Council made in the
-______ Year of the Reign of His Majesty King
William the fourth entitled "an Act for the
punishment of idle and disorderly persons
Rogues and Vagabonds Incorrigible Rogues
and other Vagrants“ that is to say for that
the said A.B. on the _____ day of______
in the said Colony________( here states
the offence proved before the Magistrate)
and for which said Offence the said A. B.
is ordered to be committed to His Majestys

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