



Status: Page Status Transcribed


Gaol at________as the house of Correction
there to be kept to hard labour for the space
of_______(or until the next General or
Quarter Sessions. Given under my hand and
seal the day and year and at the place first
above written.______________-

And the Justice or justices of the peace in or
out of session before whom any such conviction
as shall take place under this Act shall be
made shall and he and they is and are hereby
required to cause the said conviction to be duly
filed and kept on record and a copy of the
conviction so filed duly certified by the Justice
or justices before whom the same shall have
taken place shall and may be read as Evidence
in any Court of Record or before any justice
or justices of the peace in or out of Sessions
acting under the powers and provisions of this
Act And such and the like return of such
convictions shall be made and inserted in
the General Returns of all proceedings and
Convictions had before any Justice or justices
of the peace in or out of Sessions and be
transmitted to such Office in such and
the like manner as in and by any Law or
Ordinance now in force or which may here-
after be made respecting the same is or
are required.

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