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And be it further Enacted that in
all cases where an Action shall be brought
against any Justice of the Peace, Constable
or other person for or on Account of any matter
or thing whatsoever done or committed by him
in the execution of his duty or Office under
this Act such Justice Constable or other
person if he shall have judgment in his
favor shall have treble costs awarded to
him by the Court unless the Judge shall
certify that there was a reasonable cause
for such Action.

And be it further Enacted that [16]
every such Action shall be commenced within
three Calendar months after the cause of
action or complaint shall have arisen and
not afterwards and if any person or persons
shall be sued for any matter or thing which
he she or they shall have done in the exe-
cution of this Act he she or they may plead
the general issue and give the special
matter in Evidence.


And be it further Enacted that the
monies arising from the fines penalties and
forfeitures imposed by this Act shall when
recovered be applied and disposed of in man-
ner heremafter mentioned that is to say such

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