





My Dear Sir

I learn that the Governor is not coming to Sydney today - I regret it because it is most desirable that the Isabella should reach Moreton Bay before the Governor Phillip does. -

Adverting to our conversation of yesterday - I still consider it indispensably necessary that the arrangement of the Governor Phillip's present voyage should remain undisturbed. Any other would cause a great loss of time in the Service of that Vessel, which is valuable, and require the immediate hiring of a vessel

[reply notes]

Inform Mr Laidley

Let the [...] [...] dispose of the Maize as he pleases, tho' I confess I can not see the use of sending from Moreton Bay to N. I. provisions which it will be afterwards necessary to supply from Sydney to M.B. Better send at once from Sydney to N.I.

I know of no intention to make any change in the destination or order of the Govr Phillip.

Last edit 8 months ago by Bruce Laidlaw



to take further supplies from this to Norfolk - since only little more than a two month stock of Maize was sent by the Governor Phillip (she could not take more with all the Prisoners and Stores put on board of her)

Captn Clunie in his letter to me states that he cannot hold out any prospects of seceding [sic] much at present owing to the Crops having suffered severely by the Drought - and my Office states that the quantity (to be shared) [underlined] will fall far short of former supplies of the Article - here is an admission by both parties that they have at the very least as much as will supply them during the whole year or until next crop

Last edit 8 months ago by Bruce Laidlaw



- such being the case, I consider it would be best to equalize the supply at both Settlements - by giving to the one where the Crop has entirely failed the half of the years produce raised at the other _ and then make up the differences to both by supplies of Flour from Sydney.

I find that the Flour I put on board the Isabella for Moreton Bay can be withheld until next voyage so that you with have room to put on Board the Women the Governor is desirous of sending to Port Macquarie I believe.

Pray what about the warm Clothing for Moreton Bay - is it to be sent or not? - and to what extent?

Should His Excellency decide

[noted] He is informed of this.

Last edit 8 months ago by Bruce Laidlaw



upon allowing the arrangement with respect to the Governor Phillip to remain as it is. - I hope that instructions will be sent to Captn. Clunie not to alter them on any account, for the reasons I have already stated.

Believe me Dear sir Yours faithfully James Laidley

Commandt Officer Sydney 23 March

The Hon Alex Macleay Esq

Last edit 8 months ago by Bruce Laidlaw
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