32/2000 16 March 1833
[TR] 3
Schedule 124/33 20 March 33
Commissariat Office Sydney 16th March 1833
No. 102 Sir
Immediately after the sailing of the Governor Phillip for Norfolk Island, I received per Isabella from Moreton Bay Accounts that the crop of Maize had suffered considerable diminution in consequence of a protracted drought.
Fearing that this circumstance may induce the Commandant to alter the arrangement with respect to the Cargo of that Article to be sent in the Gov. Phillip to Norfolk Island, I do myself the honor to request that instructions may be sent by the Isabella now about to sail for Moreton Bay, that
The Honble the Col. Secretary
[margin] representing that although the crop of Maize at Moreton Bay falls short of expectation, yet he considers it better that a full cargo of that grain be still sent to norfolk Island per Isabella- and flour substituted, if necessary, at Moreton Bay- as being the Settlement less Penal of the two.-
For approval
[pencil] Schedule with the Master Attendants letter respecting the Isabella
that a full cargo of Maize may be sent to Norfolk Island; as I conceive, that should it prove necessary to issue Flour as a substitute for maize, it would be His Excellency's wish that it should be made at Moreton Bay, in order to preserve the issue of the latter Article at Norfolk Island.
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obed. Sert. James Laidley DCG
Schedule 124/33 20 March 33
Govrs Decision [underlined] There is not that difference in the nature of the two Penal Stations as to render it at all exedient to incur the expense and hazard of moving provisions from one place to another in order to give the prisoners at Nor. I. a less agreeable Breakfast – If the Deputy Commy. General has no better reason, the removal of Stores had better not take place.
Issued. Mr Laidley, 22 March 33
have written the included letter to Mr Laidley respecting Maize for N Isl. from Moreton Bay &c only in part according to the Governors Minute
I think Mr Laidleys letter 33/2066 has been misunderstood, as he merely appears to wish advices sent to Capt Clune by the Isabella to ship a full cargo of maize on the Gov Phillip for N Isl. when she reaches him, fearing he might exercise a discretion in the matter on account of the reduced produce of that article _ and not to have Maize sent also by the Schooner.
I therefore do not understand
[Margin remarks] I have referred this matter again to the Govr.
She will sail / to each destination as may be determined on Tuesday [...]
understand whether the Governors minute negatives such presumed arrangement for the Isabella, or refers to the orders already given for loading the Gov. Phillip.
If to the latter the change of arrangement will be productive of much inconvenience as Capt Clunie must be written to by the present opportunity _ which will reach M Bay I suppose before the Gov P, which goes first to N Isl. _ not to send any grain to that settlement – The provision arrangt. of N. I. will be all thrown aback without previous intimation, and it may become necessary to hire a vessel to take down [?] supplies in consequence