32/2000 16 March 1833
[TR] 3
Schedule 124/33
20 March 33
Commissariat Office
Sydney 16th March 1833
No. 102
Immediately after
the sailing of the Governor
Phillip for Norfolk Island,
I received per Isabella
from Moreton Bay Accounts
that the crop of Maize had
suffered considerable
diminution in consequence
of a protracted drought.
Fearing that this cir-
cumstance may induce
the Commandant to alter
the arrangement with
respect to the Cargo of
that Article to be sent in
the Gov. Phillip to Norfolk
Island, I do myself the
honor to request that
instructions may be sent
by the Isabella now about
to sail for Moreton Bay,
The Honble
the Col. Secretary
representing that although the
crop of Maize at Moreton Bay
falls short of expectation, yet
he considers it better that a full
cargo of that grain be
still sent to norfolk Island
per Isabella- and flour substituted, if necessary, at
Moreton Bay- as being the
Settlement less Penal of the
For approval
Schedule with
the Master Attendants
letter respecting
the Isabella
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