



Status: Complete

Colonial Secretary Office
Sydney 28th March 1833



Having submitted to the Governor
your letter of the 16th instant No 102. representing
that since the departure of the Governor
Phillip to Norfolk Island, you have received
accounts from Moreton Bay that the Crop
of Maize has suffered considerable dim-
inution owing to a long drought, and requesting
that the Commandant may be instructed
by the Isabella to forward to Norfolk Island
nevertheless a full cargo of that Grain
as already ordered, as you conceive that
if it be necessary to substitute flour
for Maize Meal it should be supplied to
Moreton Bay as being the Settlement less
penal of the two. -

I am directed by His Excellency to
acquaint you that there is not that difference
in the two Settlements as to render it at all

James Laidley Esqr
Deputy Commissary General

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