



Status: Complete

them for the favorable consideration of His Excellency.
Notwithstanding their degraded state as Convicts, the
willingless executed on their parts was a pleasure to witness.
The expedition was solely composed of men from the place, with
the exception of Two Corporals of the Fourth Regiment.
I beg particularly to bring to His Excellency's notice the conduct
of prisoner Graham, to him alone are we indebted for the
recovery of Mrs Frazer. Lieut. Otter also speaks in the highest
terms of prisoner Mitchell, as well as every individual composing
the party. After an absence of Twelve days the party returned
and notwithstanding I paid great attention previous to their departure
to add as much as possible to make the Crews comfortable
(by allowing them a free Sailors ration without spirits) many
privations were suffered.
I am happy to say since Mrs Frazer's arrival
She has improved in health, and also the Crew; some were very
weakly from constant exposure to the weather and being
without food for months - On the statement of this lady
regarding the conduct of the Sailors, I consider they have
been the cause of the loss of the lives of Capt. Frazer
and Mr Brown the first Mate, as no doubt can exist if
the men did their duty and obeyed the Captain's orders, the
Boat would have reached our pilot Station as Mr Brown perfectly
knew the place; however as the parties will be forwarded to Sydney
by the first ship, I refer the case for His Excellency's consideration

[right margin]
Mr Bryant
the agent for
the Ship is
aware of this,
and is to see
how far the
men are punishable

Notes and Questions

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Being a newbie transcriber, I'm not sure how to add this note on the bottom right side of the page so I just added it to a new line #29 onwards.


i'll pick it up - and tackle his filthy handwriting.... I usually put [marginalia] followed by the text


Thanks LW.
Oops... I just spotted a typo on the 5th line - 'expedition' has an extra "t".
I've updated it now.