36/9781 - 25th November 1836 No 36/14 Moreton Bay Nov-er 12th 1836 - Sir I do myself the honor to inform you that the Bessy Schooner arrived here on the 4thInst - No1 - I beg for His Ex= cellency's consi= deration to inform you that the offering, civil or military, and likewise ten soldiers, ser= [in left margin] Commandant 31 December 1836 M N/ Col Secy is requested to see MrMiller and set this to rights immediately. RB
See? ????? Never. from Mr Miller.
Let it be acted upon. Commdt informed Dec 1 .RB Honorable Colonial Secretary
ving at this Sta= tion, have not re= ceived any sup= plies by the last Vessel, and some of us have not had an article for the last six months, notwith= standing His Excellency's per= mission was gran= ted for the ship= ment of their few Stores, I am in= formed by the master of the Bessy, that some things were shipped on producing the permit, and asked to be re= loaded by some
Commissariat officer, trusting on His Excellencys goodness to allow the officers agents in Sydney to ship a few stores by every ship bound here, I beg to bring the circumstance to his notice, No. 2 Some days ago we had 38 men in hospital, and regret to say the Commissariat was unprovided with tea, and by this report the Store has been fore= biden with a
[marginalia] Apply to the A.C. Genl. on this subject also. I am not sure whether the Tea used in Hospital shd not be procured by the Medical Report, as a Medical comfort. RB.
small but, as termed[??], half a Chest, by the late medi= cal regulations this small quan= tity would be consumed in a few days. The Store has also been unprovided with soap for nearly Two Months and no issue has taken place to the hospital, or Prisoners, by this opportunity None has been forwarded to us. No 3The Prisoners named in the margin, abscon=
[marginalia] Saml Desington -
ded on the 22nd December 1827 - and returned on the 17th of October last, he has in= formed me, that it is the intention of a number of old runaways from this settle= ment, to return and give them= selves up - many of them have been out since the Com= mencement of the Settlement. No 4 - Referring to the last despatch and my letter 36/12, I do myself
[marginalia] This Man will have to serve an additional period equal to that of his absence. RB.