




36/665_ 21st January 1836 Harbour Masters Office Sydney, 20 Jany 1836 Sir, I beg to report for the information of His Excellency the Governor, that the Gov, Schooner "Isabella" will beagain ready to receive Cargo on Monday next the 25th instant, Having commu nicated with the Assistant Commissary General, that Gentleman states he has sufficient Cargo, to load her at Moreton Bay, without taking, any Prisoners. I have the honor to be Sir Your most Obedient Serva M Nicholson Master Attendant

[Margin] ? W Miller 27 Jany 1870 In sending forward there letters Col Secy is requested to add a list of Prisoners waiting removal & having conferred with the ACG to represent the employment of the Vessel which the public service seems most to require. Jany 25 Col. Secy will please to consider this as a general instruction is respect to the port vessels and in applying it to many other branches of the public service he will expedite business and save the Governor a great deal of troublesome detail for their discharge of which the Col. Secy's office is provided. . The Honorable The Colonial Secretary

Last edit 7 months ago by Les
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