36/10446 _ 13th December 1836 Master Attendants Office Sydney 13 Dec 1836 Sir I reply to your letter dated 8th Inst. transmitting an Extract of a letter received from the Commandant at Moreton Bay representing that the "Glory" & "Regent Bird“ attached to that settlement are in an irrepairable state and requesting that I will state what description of Vessel I would recommend for that Service and on what terms it could be procured. _ I now beg to state for the information of His Excellency the Governor that I would suggest as stated in my letter dated 19th Ultimo tenders be called for to build a Vessel of the Annexed description, which will be Sufficiently
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary
[Margin] let the Tender be called for Decr 13
Ass Comy General Master Attendant 15th Decr 1836
Sufficiently capacious to admit of the whole of the work required to be done by the one vessel I have the honor to be Sir Your monst Obedient Servan M Nicholson Master Attendant