




36/8508 _ 21st October 1836 Commissariats Office Sydney 21st October 1836

No278 Sir, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant enclosing an extract for the Commandant at Moreton Bay stating that by the 19 instant the Commissariat Store at that settlement would be totally unprovided; and I have the honor to state for the information of His Excellency the Governor by the Returns transmitted to me by the Commssiarial Officer there remained in the Commissariat Store on the 1st of the present month

[Margin] Recd. by the Gvr. 22 Octr. 1836.

The Honorable the Colonial Secretary

Last edit 7 months ago by Les


an abundant supply of every thing excepting Salted Meat the remainder of which consisted only of 4500lbs of Beef and 2600 lbs of Pork but this if issued in the usual proportion alternately with fresh meat would last nearly to the end of the month; the supply now on the way will most likely reach the Settlement before the 25 instant, and considering that the Live Stock at the Settlement consists of 565 Head of cattle nearly 2000 Sheep and 300 Swine I do not apprehend that any want will be experienced. I have the honor to be Sir, Your Obedient Servant W Miller ACG

Last edit 7 months ago by Les
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