[line partly illegible] .... 8th Dec'r 1849
Mr Rolleston to The Hon'ble the Colonial Treasurer
respecting John Hammond.
Crown Lands Office
Darling Downs 1st Dec'r
.......................... 1849
With reference to the notice from your Office of 18th September last published in the Government Gazette I do myself the honor to acquaint you that the man enquired after was lately in this District and supposed to be concerned in the overseeing of Mr. Andrews' Sheep Station Hut; and Horses, since which occurrence he has disappeared -
I have the honor to be
Your most Obed't Serv't
[signed] Chris: Rolleston
~ Com'r
[bottom of left margin]
The Honorable
The Colonial Secretary
...... Sydney
[notes in left margin]
Papers sent by Mr Vallack
.......... 8[th]
Since returned & now herewith
........... 10[th].
Mr V
......... 11[th].
The colonial Agent should perhaps be informed that John Hammond has been here - but that he has not brought the letter for his Relatives as promised - See 49/11,157
............ 14 Dec'r
Yes. 14[th].
[in another hand]
Colonial Agent General
... 20 December 1849 [?]
in duplicate [?]
.................. 50/1071