49/11157 - 20th Novr 1849
The Superintendent of Police to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary respecting one John Hammond
N. 49/72
Police office Sydney 20 November 1849
Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant enclosing Copies of Communication respecting an enquiry made from England relative to one John Hammond, And beg to State that the man Hammond residing at Wooloomooloo is not the person enquired after but a man who states he was engaged by the late Mr Charles Smith to bring out Horses, and that there were three Hammonds in the same
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary
[marginalia] Mr V 22
49/10,343 49/779
John Hammond, the subject of this Enquiry has called here - he states that he now rents a Farm 14 miles on the Liverpool Road - that he has once written to his friend - and received but one letter from them. He proposes to write now and to bring the letter here in a few days for transmission to Mr Barnard - 22 Nov
Herewith 22 Resubmitted 3 Decr
Vessel one named Charles another, George and himself
I have the honor to be Sir Your most obed Sert Edw. D. Day Supt of Police
[margin note] "Royal Gen[..]" March 3 1841
Has Hammond twice called? 5 Dec.
Not that I am aware of - 5 Dec.
[3 words illeg.] 8th