49/3760 ...... 21 April 1849
The Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay to the Colonial
Secretary, respecting Robert Genery and John
Hammond -
No. 49/17 -
Police office, Brisbane
.... 9 April 1849 -
I have the honor to acknowledge the rec't [receipt] of your letters of the 9th and 15th of March last; the former respecting one Robert Genery - and the latter respecting one John Hammond. -
In reply to the former I beg to inform you that, Robert Genery is in this district, and he has so far satisfied me that he is the person alluded to in the letter of Mr John Marshall of Suffolk, addressed to the Registrar General, Sydney.
I have read the contents of that letter to him -
With regard to Hammond I have not been able to
[bottom of left margin]
The Hon'ble
The Colonial Secretary
[notes in left margin]
Inform the Reg. G'l.
.... 21[st].
[in another hand]
Registrar General
.... April 1849
[diagonally, in faint writing]
for ages after [?]
not submitted [?]
.... 21[st].
Two subjects in one letter. I hope this did not arise from a similar irregularity in addressing him from this office ---
.... 21[st]
There does not appear to have been any irregularity here - a separate Communication in each case having been addressed to the Police Magistrate
........................... 26[th]
This is to be sorted out by Capt Wickham
.............. 27[th]
[diagonal marginalia, below letter]
Capt Wickham
.... 30 April 1849
[tick through the above]
49/4899 ... Two [?] letters
On 15 May
.... 15 May
[On] End of May
learn whether he is in this district at present -
I have the honor to be,
Your most obed't Servant
[signed] Jno. Wickham