[centred] Copy.
Monkton Vicarage
Sept'r 15th 1848.
I take the liberty of applying to you for information under the following circumstances, -
The son of one of my most respectable parishioners among the poor, whose name is John Hammond, engaged himself nearly seven years ago as a Shepherd for a term of three years with a Mr Mocatta, Brother in law of Mr Jos: Montifiore, and went out with two other young men to Bathurst and soon after to Moreton Bay, New South Wales. - He had not been long out before Mr Mocatta failed, as his family at home were informed, and the young man Hammond engaged himself in a similar service with J. McArthur Esq're of Moreton Bay. - His friends have received no intelligence of him nor from him for the last two or three years, in reply to their frequent
[on right] letters;
letters; and as they are naturally in great anxiety for his safety, they have referred the inquiry of the case to me.
If such case does not come strictly under your cognisance, I should feel extremely obliged if you would point out any means by which I could possibly learn whether the Young man is still alive, and if so. the best method of getting a letter conveyed to him .... It occurs to me that the names of Emigrants may be registered perhaps, and be attainable by those means.
I have &c
(signed) R.C. Whish
Rev'd R.C. Whish
[marginalia, at bottom, on right side of page, and at top of page, turned sideways]
Let enquiry be made as requested
.... 13th
[in another hand]
Pol. Magistrate
... Brisbane
... 15 March, 1849
[tick through the above]
On 1 April
... Resubmitted
... 2 April
On 15 April
... 16 April
On 1 May
Has any report been received in this case from the Police Magistrate at Brisbane since 49/3760 ?
4 Sept 1849 ....... Apparently not -
Write again to the Police Magistrate at Brisbane to [crossed out] (asc) know if he has ascertained any thing respecting Hammond. ... 10 Sep 1849
..... 10[th]
Captain Wickham
.... 14 September 1849.