[centred] Copy.
Monkton Vicarage
Sept'r 15th 1848.
I take the liberty of applying to you
for information under the following
circumstances, -
The son of one of my most respectable
parishioners among the poor, whose
name is John Hammond, engaged
himself nearly seven years ago as a
Shepherd for a term of three years with
a Mr Mocatta, Brother in law of Mr
Jos: Montifiore, and went out with
two other young men to Bathurst and
soon after to Moreton Bay, New South
Wales. - He had not been long out
before Mr Mocatta failed, as his
family at home were informed, and
the young man Hammond engaged
himself in a similar service with
J. McArthur Esq're of Moreton Bay. -
His friends have received no intelligence
of him nor from him for the last two or
three years, in reply to their frequent
[on right] letters;
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