49/9403 - 29 sept 1849
The Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay to the Honble the Colonial Secretary, forwarding a letter from William Wing, respecting the Boundaries of land being pointed out to the Purchasers
Police office, Brisbane 20th Sept. 1849
Sir I do myself the honor to forward to you the enclosed letters from a purchaser of land at the last Govt. Sale; and at the same time I beg to inform you that, I have lately had several verbal applications upon the same subject; complaining of the great difficulty experienced by parties in finding the boundaries of their land, in consequence of the Surveyors' marks having decayed, or having been destroyed by fire.
I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedt. Servt. Jno Wickham Police Magistrate
The Honble The Colonial Secretary
[marginalia] Entd & BCM recd. 2 Oct 1849 No. 49/36
Refer to the Surveyor General
30th ChFR
Blank cover 1 October 1849
For the colonial Secretary W Elyard Jun
To be returned
Well marked trees can be found by surveyors often after 20 years marking . It would not only be a dangerous impediment to attempt re-measurements - which might disturb the limits of lands in occupation but the survey Department is not equal to such an undertakingT.L.M 2d Oct. 1849
Inform the Police Magistrate 6th ChFR
Informed 17th October 1849
Entd. 49/207 fo:82 in vol. 4
Returned SCS 4 Oct 1849