49/9403 - 29 sept 1849
The Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay to the Honble the Colonial
Secretary, forwarding a letter from William Wing, respecting
the Boundaries of land being pointed out to the
Police office, Brisbane
20th Sept. 1849
I do myself the honor
to forward to you the enclosed
letters from a purchaser of
land at the last Govt.
Sale; and at the same
time I beg to inform you
that, I have lately had several
verbal applications upon the
same subject; complaining
of the great difficulty ex-
perienced by parties in
finding the boundaries
of their land, in consequence
of the Surveyors' marks having
decayed, or having been des-
troyed by fire.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedt. Servt.
Jno Wickham
Police Magistrate
The Honble
The Colonial Secretary
Entd & BCM
recd. 2 Oct 1849
No. 49/36
Refer to the
Surveyor General
30th ChFR
Blank cover
1 October 1849
For the colonial Secretary
W Elyard Jun
To be returned
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