49/9776 - 10th. October 1849 Dep: Commisary General Suggesting that money for Convicts on board the Mountstuart Elphinstone be transmitted to the Police Magistrate Moreton Bay through the Surgeon Superintendent.
Commissariat New South Wales Sydney 10. October 1849
Sir In acknowledging the receipt of your Communication, No. 49/119, of yesterday's date, I have the honor to suggest for the consideration of the Governor, that the Surgeon Superintendent of the Convict Ship, "Mount Stuart Elphinstone", be instructed to receive in the first instance from me, the sum of £177: 12: 4 1/4 for the purpose stated in your letter, and to hand over the amount to the Police Magistrate, on his arrival at Moreton Bay - this being the most eligible mode of remitting the Cash, as there is no branch Commissariat Chest at that Station.
I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient Servant T W Ramsay DCG
Honorable The Colonial Secretary &c &c &c
[marginalia] No. 422
approved 12th. Ch FR
As many of them have been recently[?] released[?] to receive a sufficient quantity of silver currency & small change shd[should] be sent.
Mr Ramsay Captn Wickham Mr Montray 13 Oct 1849.