[centred] Copy
Treasury Chambers
.... 4 June 1849
No. 416
I am Commanded by the Lord Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to desire that you will Cause to be issued from the Chest under your Charge to such Person, or Authority as Governor Sir Charles Fitzroy [sic] may appoint, the Gross sum of £177: 12: 4 1/4 which has been deposited in the vault of the Paymaster General as monies belonging to Convicts with Tickets of leave, embarked on board the "Mount Stuart Elphinstone" for Moreton Bay.
I am &c.
Signed. C.E. Trevelyan
[bottom of left margin]
Dep'y Com. Gen'l Ramsay
New South Wales
true Copy
[signed] Fred'k Walker
.... D [...]