




1 49/9886 - 15th Octr 1849 The Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay to the Honble. The Colonial Secretary, respecting the sale of the materials of the old Windmill at Brisbane - Entd I BC M No. 49/38

Police office, Brisbane October 5 - 1849 -

Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th ulto., requesting me to report, whether the old Windmill at Brisbane, as it now stands, is in any way useful as a land mark, or in any other manner, as the Dy. Commissary General has suggested that the materials be sold.

(2) In reply I beg to inform you that the Windmill is not visible from any part of the Bay, and therefore is of no use as a land mark, further than being an object which is readily seen from several

The Honble. The Colonial Secretary

[margin notes] [faint pencil:] 17 Oct 1849


Refer to the Surveyor Genl with reference to the point suggested in the 4th paragraph. 15th. Ch FR

Blank Cover 16 October 1849

Noted for the Col'l Secy W. Elyard Jr

To be returned

The mill may be removed if not required for penal uses. Sur Gen Office 20. Oct 1849 T. L. M.

Entd. 49/222 Folio 88 in Vol: 4

Retd. C. S. O. 24 Oct 1849

D. C. General infd. Copy to Sur: General & [obscured: Police Magistrate] Brisbane 31 Oct '49

[...] the Surveyor Genls Reports[?] the Mill as well as the Stone building shd.[should] be put up for sale. Ch FR [date obscured]

Last edit about 1 month ago by LW


of the fixed points upon which the trigonomatrical Survey of this District depends, and is of itself one of the fixed points -

(3) As far as I can learn it is very badly situated for a Windmill, owing to the Eddy winds, caused by the hills in its locality therefore the building is not likely to become useful for that purpose -

(4) Should the Surveyor General consider it an important object, as regards the Survey of the District, it would be advisable not to remove the stone building; but I would

Last edit about 1 month ago by Les


beg to suggest that every other part be disposed of - at the same time if there is any truth in the rumour that Moreton Bay is likely to become a Penal Colony it might again become useful, by renewing the Treadmill which was formerly attached to it.

I have the honor to be, Sir. Your most obedt Servant Jno C Wickham

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