[centred] Ah
Professor Dollinger in his remarkable address at Munich tells us, there are still two-thirds of the human race - or eight hundred millions of souls untouched by Christian civilization ... We know these are our own fellow subjects some thirty millions of Mahomedans, and probably five times that number of Hin - dous [Hindus].
4 [?]
........... In fact, the two men whose names are most hateful to English divine[r]s ... Voltaire and Thomas Paine ... were both intellectually believers in [crossed out] (Good) God, and both philanthropists beyond the average of their countrymen
F.W. Newman.
[centred] Al
There is so much provision for innocent joyousness in the universe, such facilities for cheap happiness in its beauty and in human feelings, that we see everywhere marks of benevolence, and we feel tempted to have recourse to the hypothesis of a good Being limited in power. This is to misread the phenomena of the universe; it does not bear the aspect of weak benevolence; it wears the sad look of yearning unrequited love. That [crossed out] (this) the Being who has given me this capability (of love) should not love me [crossed out] (is) that is the true inconceivable.
Father Dalgairns
There is not one of the phenomena of conscience which does not more than fit into the view that the emotional part of it comes directly from the action of a Personal Being, of a marked character the inmost core of which is love. The emotion of conscience is the passionate cry of the Father coming to claim the child, who denies that He exists.
[centred] An
Zeal of Party. - Doctor, afterward Dean Maxwell, sitting in company with Dr Dobson ... they, talking of the violence of parties, and to what unwarrantable lengths party men will sometimes Run, "Why, yes, sir," says Dobson, "they'll do any thing no matter how odd or desperate to gain their point; they'll catch hold of the red hot end of a poker sooner than not get possession of it."
[centred] An
Excluding the brewers, and simply taking the public coins and beer sellers, we have a frightful total of one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and one engaged in the traffic [crossed out] (of) in strong drink.
The number of publicans alone caused, as Mr Gladstone said in Parliament "a shudder to pass through the frame.["]
Need we wonder that Cedric Bollin said our social life was 'a horror' "What a comment it is on Church and State 'the blessings of the English civilization' ... 'moral England' ... 'philanthropic England', ... 'England', 'England the great head-quarters of the world' ... 'England whose press has printed more Bibles than would, placed end to end, belt the world"! We might with him earnestly desire "one bold determined national attempt to deal with such matter as that before us." S. G. O.
Sidney Godolphin Osborne.
............. I cast my eyes about on other families that I knew; I found that there were few families consisting of five or more sons and daughters, in which there was not [added above] (seen) at [crossed out] (most) one at least inclining to strong drink. I saw it in my own, and I said, 'Never shall any of my children have to say that which I cannot say of my father, that I set them the example, or caused them