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The rev. Newman Hall states in The biography of his late beloved father that for many years he was the victim of intemperance ... He would sometimes refrain for days and weeks, and then again he was as bad as ever. Hope seemed now to be lost, and especially when, one day, after having been bought into great weakness, through intemperance ... death appeard to be very near, and his awful state more terrific than ever ... Not a moment was to be lost; he cast himself once more at the foot stool of his long-insulted Creator, and with an intensity of agony cried out, "What profit is there in my blood when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare thy truth? Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord be thou my helper? He sank down exhausted: he could say no more. That prayer was heard, and a voice from heaven seemed to reply, "I will help thee, I have seen thy struggle, and I will [crossed out] (help) now say to thine enemy, Hitherto thou hast come, but no further!" A physician was consulted, as to the probability or possibility of medicine being rendered effectual to stop the disposition to intemperance. The poor man would have suffered the amputation of all his limbs, could so severe a method have rid him of his deadly habit, which like a vulture, had fastened upon his very vitals.

The physician boldly declaired, that

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if this poor slave would strictly adhere to his prescription, not only the practice, but the very inclination for strong drink would subside in a few months ... Oh, could you have seen the countenance of that poor man when the physician told him this: hope and fear alternately rising up whilst he grasped the physician's arm and said, " Oh, Sir be careful how you open that door of hope, for should it be closed upon me I am lost for ever!"

The physician pledged his credit, that if his prescription was punctually attended to, the happiest results would follow. The remedy was a preparation of steel; and eagerly did the poor slave begin to devour the antidote to his misery. Every Bottle was taken with Earnest Prayer to God for his blessing to accompany it. He commenced taking this medicine on the first week in March, 1816, and continued till the latter end of September following, and to the honour and glory of the Lord God Almighty, who sent his angel to whisper in the poor man's ear, "I will help thee, for the glory of God be it spoken, that from the latter end of September, 1816, to the present hour, not so much as a spoonful of spirituous liquor, or wine of any description has ever passed the surface of that man's tongue.

The narative [sic] which I have thus detailed might appear almost as a fable, a tale, got up for effect, but every syllable is truth; and to the glory and honour of God, the man who has been so marvel

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lously [marvellously] delivered is now in perfect health ... the happy servant of the Lord Jesus Christ; and he who has been plucked as a branch from the burning, and delivered from the power of Satan, Now Stands Before You, and it is from his lips that you have heard the goodness of that God whose mercy endureth for EVER !!!"

As application has frequently been made for the prescription referred to, it is here given simply as a record that in this particular case it was the remedy which by the blessing of God was associated with the cure.

Sulphate of iron 5 grains;

Magnesia 10 gr.; Peppermint water -

11 drachms; Spirit of nutmeg ... 1

drachm. This forms one draft --- two

drafts to be taken each day.

In a private box, opened after his decease a small parcel was found on which was written "The mercy of God unspeakable to J. V. H." It contained a phial bottle in which was a little sediment; a newspaper report of the speech above quoted, and the following affecting document :--- "This phial is one (of upward of 300) three hundred of those out of which J. V. H. drank a preparation of steel, in the year 1816. It is preserved like the pot of manna - to shew the way in which the Lord delivered his servant out of the wilderness out of sin['s]

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horrible pit - and of his bessetting [sic] sin ... For the last eighteen years, nothing stronger than tea, coffee, or milk has ever entered his stomach. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness! --- "J.V.H"

Copied from The Author of the Sinner's Friend," By Newman Hall, LLB.

......................... Brisbane Nov. 8th 1866.

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During whose pontificate happened the massacre of St Bartholomew?

Ans. That of Pius the fifth. There is no doubt left of his having cordially approved the same. In his advice to Phillip 2nd of Spain he said ... "if you negotiate without the eloquence of arms, you must receive laws; with arms in your hands, it is by yourself that they are imposed.

Last edit 5 days ago by Cursivefancier
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