Port Moresby Trip Wednesday 16th December 1942
Reported at Townsville Flying boat base at 8 AM. A lot of delay, weighed and left wharf at 9.15 AM. More delay on aircraft, and we finally left Townsville at 11.30 AM. Passed over Magnetic Is and several other partly covered reefs never sighted mainland again. Had a couple of hours sleep. Very calm trip except for a storm about 1 hour from T'ville. Never looked like being sick & thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Never took any food except packet biscuits, a yank gave me a sandwich and a banana
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which were greatly appreciated as I was starving. Arrived at Port Moresby at 4.20, as hungry as a horse. First impressions of P.M. were that it was a very pretty spot. I was picked up at the wharf by a very antique car, which had evidently been made up of several other cars. It had no doors, no bonnet, and only 2 mudguards. They took me up to the sergeants mess & I had a very nice meal. Found spot in hut 25 to sleep, no bed but unrolled a gymnasium mat and used it. Learned whereabouts of raid shelters in case [Tojo?] should arrive again he had been over the previous
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night, & kept the boys out of bed for 2 hours. Had a look at Moresby from Ack-Ack Hill, a very pretty sight. Went for a walk towards town, was pickeyp up by a truck. Got out at baths. The place was crowded, Aussies, Yanks & Negros were all naked. Had a good look about the town, walked up through town past Moresby Hotel, Papuan Hotel & Theatre over the hill to the Park near the beach. Started towards camp & was again picked up by a truck. The truck was crowded with yanks looking for a show. They went as far as the R.A.A.F. Camp site. I arrived back at the Rec. Hut