



Status: Complete

Log of Canomie

1903 Saturday 31 Jany

Gazelle came in during the night
bringing the four time expired Solomon
boys Also Takeda Augustine Suzuki and
Pedro The two former are time expired
Suzuki sent in as he was doing no good
and Pedro for getting the worse of liquor
and going about with a knife threatening the
other men
The Gazelle reported all well at Komuli
and brought in the produce and letters
with stock sheets - to 31 Dec
48 tons of Copra nearly
c/. MOP shell
c/. Black lip
Beche de mer mixed
do - do Seat
Snail shells
Dunphy took in additional stores and trade
and got all ready for a start

Sunday 1 Feby

Mid day when the wind came in got
underweigh and went over to Herbertshohe
landing two boys on the way with a
letter for Mr Wolff
Dunphy anchored at Herbertshohe for the
night evening wet
[Nugaria?] at anchor and the Otte leaving
shortly on a recruiting voyage to the British

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MOP shell = Mother of Pearl shell